
Nether Alderley Parish Council employs a Clerk to the Council, who is also Clerk to the Burial Board.

The Parish Council would be pleased to hear from you in connection with any matters relating to the local community or website.

The Parish Council can be contacted through David Naylor the Clerk, by e-mail at or telephone on 07717 244537.

Nether Alderley Parish Councillors

Cllr. Lesley Gleave – Chairman of the Council 07547 410338
Cllr. Geoff Linnell Vice Chairman 07785 308163
Cllr Melanie Connor 07716 692431
Cllr. Angela Farrell 07493107400
Cllr. Susan Joseph 07947 000134
Cllr. Mandy Kirk 07766 514767
Cllr. Ruth Morgan 07891 262537
Cllr Marcus Raphael 07753 945718
Clerk: David Naylor
07717 244537

Click Here to view Meeting Dates and Councillors Represented on the Committees of the Parish Council and external bodies

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