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The Next Meeting of the Nether Alderley Parish Council will held on Tuesday25th March 2025NOTE – this meeting of the Parish Council will be on Tuesday 25th March 2025 in Nether Alderley Village Hall,Church Lane. Starting at 1.30pmClick HERE to view or download a copy of the 25th March 2025 Agenda Click HERE to view or download the March Agenda Enclosures Pack Click HERE for the draft minutes of the 11th February 2025.and HERE for the 14th January which will be approved as an accurate representation of that Council meeting on the 25th March 2025 Members of the public are welcome to attend and can raise any item at the start of the meeting and can comment on any item on the Agenda with the permission of the Chair. Please let David Naylor, the Parish Clerk, know if you wish to speak on an agenda item. His contact details are: 07717 244 537 or email clerk.napc@gmail.com 21. March, 2025Latest News, MeetingsComments Off on The Next Meeting of the Nether Alderley Parish Council will held on Tuesday25th March 2025 |
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VACANCY FOR TWO PARISH COUNCILLORSWe are currently looking to fill the two vacant Councillor seats on the Parish Council. To find out about what being a Parish Councillor involves then why not have a chat with David our Parish Clerk 07717 244537 and click on this LINK to Good Councillor Guide on our website. Criteria for candidates:
There are certain disqualifications from becoming a parish councillor:
This is essentially an unpaid position other than minor expenses but can be very rewarding. There is a lot going on within the Parish which encompasses Alderley Park. You will join six other councillors in this role. David Naylor Nether Alderley Parish Council Tel 07717 244537 Email: clerk.napc@gmail.com 28. January, 2025Latest NewsComments Off on VACANCY FOR TWO PARISH COUNCILLORS |
Community Infrastructure Levy Statement
19. January, 2025Latest News, SpareComments Off on Community Infrastructure Levy Statement |
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The audit of accounts for Nether Alderley Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2024 has been completed and the accounts have been published.The Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Nether Alderley Parish Council on application to:David Naylor, Nether Alderley Parish Council Clerk C/o 26 Barnside Way, Tytherington Macclesfield SK10 2TZTel: 07717 244537 or email: clerk.napc@gmail.comThe AGAR may be inspected between the hours of 9am & 5pm weekdays at the Parish Hall on Church Lane Nether Alderley by arrangement with the Clerk by telephone or email as above.Copies will be provided to any person on payment of £2 for each copy of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return.Click here to view the AGAR, the External Auditors report and the Internal Auditors Report . The AGAR revealed a single issue relating to a high interest building society account which is held in the name of a Councillor. However, the society requires it to be in a persons name. The account is structured so that any withdrawal has to have two authorised councillor signatures and the funds can only be transferred into the Council’s NatWest Current Account. Any changes to the bank mandate also require two authorised councilor signatures. To comply with the auditor the funds in this account will be transferred to another of the Council’s bank accounts and the building society account will be closed.27. September, 2024Latest News, SpareComments Off on The audit of accounts for Nether Alderley Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2024 has been completed and the accounts have been published. |
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As Parish Clerk I am raising £5,000 to help fund new tables, chairs and blinds for the renovated Nether Alderley Community Village Hall.Nether Alderley Parish Council have successfully raised the funding to cover the costs of refurbishing the Parish Hall. Now we are actively seeking further grant funding opportunities to cover the costs of items such as new tables, chairs and blinds. We have also decided to re-activate our `JustGiving` Page. Can you help us to achieve this? At the heart of our Village is our Village Hall, built in 1628 and extended in 1817 it is used by many people for community activities that bring local people together. Our records show that the usage over a year is circa 6000 people.. An historic beautiful building in a perfect setting and much used and loved by the community. The building is currently undergoing extensive renovation, updating it to better meet current needs and to properly facilitate disability access. This work will involve a new entrance, new toilets and the harmonisation of all entrance and ground floor floor levels, all sympathetically undertaken in this historic building. We also will be transforming its kitchen facilities, its heating system and lighting to make them energy efficient and do our bit to help to reduce climate change. Our aim is to ensure the building is a warm and welcoming space for our community. The plans for this work are on our website. It has been no mean feat for a relatively small council, albeit one with a big heart and one with great ,local support to have raised the funding for the Hall’s renovation. However we now need to renew the tables, chairs and provide window blinds to complete this work and are seeking contribution via Just Giving. We are custodians of this charming historic building for generations to come. As Parish Clerk I have shivered in it on cold evenings, tripped regularly at the three different ground floor levels but its charm has certainly got me hooked, We are creating an accessible, warm and welcoming space with good access to the internet for its users and with your help we can push this over the line before November and provide it with the chairs, tables and window blinds that the building and its users deserve . During the renovation we have had some very kind donations ranging from £10 to £1000 from people who have used this facility. Any contribution you can now make, however small, to this new funding appeal will help us to complete this work and preserve this much loved building for the next 100 years. We are using the trusted Just Giving Initiative to help us to raise these funds Click on this link to donate,Thank You.
5. September, 2024Latest NewsComments Off on As Parish Clerk I am raising £5,000 to help fund new tables, chairs and blinds for the renovated Nether Alderley Community Village Hall. |
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Mcr. Airport Noise Action PlanClick on the image below to read about Manchester Airport’s Consultation on its Noise Action Plan which may affect Nether Alderley. There is a link where you can provide your views before 27th September. The Parish Council will be submitting its views following the Parish Council Meeting on 10th September.15. August, 2024Latest NewsComments Off on Mcr. Airport Noise Action Plan |
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Electors Rights in Relation to the Nether Alderley Parish Council’s Unaudited Annual AccountsNether Alderley Parish CouncilNOTICE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS AND PUBLICATION
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Cheshire East’s Garden Waste (Green Bin) – Charging SchemeReminderFrom January 2024, you will need to be signed up to Cheshire East’s Garden Waste Recycling Scheme if you would like them to continue collecting your garden bin. You will need to create a new account for the scheme in their subscription portal. This account is separate to any other Cheshire East account you may already have. Subscribe or login to their Garden Waste Recycling SchemeGarden bin subscription terms and conditions Payment of £56 for 2024 subscription will be taken in full at the point of placing your order. Once you have a subscription, we will empty your garden bin from January 2024 to December. 2024 Check your bin collection day
4. February, 2024Latest NewsComments Off on Cheshire East’s Garden Waste (Green Bin) – Charging Scheme |
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Community Infrastructure Levy Statement16. December, 2023Latest News, SpareComments Off on Community Infrastructure Levy Statement |
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All Souls Annual Service of Remembrance St Mary’s Church Nether Alderley 2nd November 7pm26. October, 2023Latest NewsComments Off on All Souls Annual Service of Remembrance St Mary’s Church Nether Alderley 2nd November 7pm |
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The Next Meeting of the Nether Alderley Parish Council will held on Tuesday 10 October 2023NOTE – this meeting will be at the Glass House Alderley Park at 1.30 pmClick HERE to view or download a copy of the 10th October Agenda Click HERE to to download the Agenda Enclosures Pack Click HERE for the draft minutes of the 12th September. These will be approved as an accurate representation of the meetings at the Council meeting on 10th October Members of the public are welcome to attend and can raise any item at the start of the meeting and can comment on any item on the Agenda with the permission of the Chair. Please let David Naylor, the Parish Clerk, know if you wish to speak on an agenda item. His contact details are: 07717 244 537 or email clerk.napc@gmail.com 5. October, 2023Latest News, MeetingsComments Off on The Next Meeting of the Nether Alderley Parish Council will held on Tuesday 10 October 2023 |
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The audit of accounts for Nether Alderley Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2023 has been completed and the accounts have been published.The Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Nether Alderley Parish Council on application to:David Naylor, Nether Alderley Parish Council Clerk C/o 26 Barnside Way, Tytherington Macclesfield SK10 2TZTel: 07717 244537 or email: clerk.napc@gmail.comThe AGAR may be inspected between the hours of 9am & 5pm weekdays at the Parish Hall on Church Lane Nether Alderley by arrangement with the Clerk by telephone or email as above.Copies will be provided to any person on payment of £1 for each copy of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return.Click here to view the AGAR and the External Auditors report This revealed to three issues 1) a corrections to the staff cost payments and other payments due to a coding issue within the accounts system (the Total payments was not affected). 2) The Risk Assessment for which was done in April 2023. These two issues have been corrected. 3) a Building Society Savings Account which should be in the Parish Council’s name and not four Councillor Trustees on behalf of the Council. There was however no risk in this because two trustees needed to sign for any withdrawal which would be approved at the Council meeting and withdrawals can only be transfers to the Parish Council’s Current account with a High Street Bank. Correcting this matter is still under review.1. October, 2023Latest News, SpareComments Off on The audit of accounts for Nether Alderley Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2023 has been completed and the accounts have been published. |
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New Boundary Signs for Nether AlderleyThe new boundary signs have been delivered to the Parish Hall. Initially, two have been purchased and the first will replace the sign on Congleton Road at the end of White Barn Road. 23. September, 2023Latest NewsComments Off on New Boundary Signs for Nether Alderley |
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Nether Alderley Parish Council Vacancy for two CouncillorsAre you passionate about your community? Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have innovative ideas for the Parish Council? Do you have concerns about a specific issue and want to do something about it. The Parish Council is seeking to fill two councillor vacancies. No special qualifications are required. Training for new councillors is available to help you to understand and fulfil the responsibilities of the role. For more information get in touch with David Naylor Parish Clerk (email: clerk.napc@gmail.com) or call 07717 244537 he will be happy to talk with you about the role. What do Parish Councillors do? The full complement of Nether Alderley Parish Council is made up of 8 councillors. They meet once a month to discuss and act on issues that are important to the local community. The Parish Council sets a precept which is raised by Cheshire East Council in the annual rates bill levied on all households in the Parish. This is spent in the parish. The Parish Council comments on all planning applications in the Parish and run projects that help maintain, improve, or enhance the local area. Local Government is changing, and parish councils are seeing an increase in the responsibilities and opportunities to influence decisions that affect their local community. Becoming a councillor is a rewarding experience. It’s true to say that on their own, parish councils have limited powers to make decisions. But they can be a strong voice for their local community and can negotiate and influence the decisions taken by organisations such as Cheshire East Council, health authorities and the police etc. In this respect parish councils can be very powerful. How much time of my time will it take? The Parish Council meets once a month for a council meeting, to which members of the public are also invited. Meetings last about two hours. You may also be acting as a representative on an outside body, involved with community activities or helping develop a new project. Am I eligible to be a Parish Councillor? You have to be:
and additionally, you have to be one of the following:
You cannot stand for election if you:
Come along to a Parish Council meeting. Or speak to the Parish Clerk or one of our councillors and find out what they think of the role. See also the Notice of Election above from the Returning Officer dated 22nd September 2023 which explains the option for an election to be called rather than a co-option. 23. September, 2023Latest NewsComments Off on Nether Alderley Parish Council Vacancy for two Councillors |
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Parish Hall Update – Proposed LoanAn update from Nether Alderley Parish Council (NAPC) regarding the Parish Hall Refurbishment Project. Dear Resident of Nether Alderley The Parish Hall, was gifted to NAPC in 1908 by Lord Stanley with the stipulation that “…The Council will forever hereafter keep and maintain the said building and premises in a good and proper state of repair.” It is now in need of significant remedial work to ensure the building is watertight, weatherproof, and safe. Repairs to the roof, strengthening of first floor timbers and repairs to external walls are all urgently needed. We have planning approval and the blessing of English Heritage for a scheme which will enable us to reconfigure part of the Hall, harmonise all ground floor levels, provide much needed storage, replace a totally inefficient heating system with a hydrogen ready gas boiler and underfloor heating as well as disabled toilet and baby changing facilities. All of which will ensure the hall is a much-improved asset for our community in the long term. The Parish Council already has £400,000 saved for the project. This is made up of developer contributions from Alderley Park, money save by the Parish Council from its precept, generous donations from friends and residents and a grant from Alderley Edge Institute. However, due to the project being put on hold during Covid, the rise in inflation, increased building costs, and limited success in raising grants from funding bodies due to great demand on them following Covid, means that the current projected cost is likely to be significantly more than the £400,000 we currently have available. We have recently sent out tender documents to potential contractors to obtain precise costs, and these have now been returned. They are currently being evaluated in terms of cost, delivery timetable and the many issues which will help to protect the Council against cost overruns or quality issues. It is possible that this process may point to a contractor who may not be the cheapest which will require additional funds of £250,000 or even £300,000. However, we will try our very best to restrict this to £250,000 it at all possible. The Parish Council has agreed, in principle, to take advantage of a loan from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) to make up the shortfall. Rates are fixed for the life of the loan and the amount requested will depend on the result of the tendering process. The loan will be subject to Government approval and public support. It will be like obtaining a mortgage from the Government. To borrow £250,000 for 30 years would cost £17,873 per annum paid in 6 monthly intervals. To borrow £300,000 for 30 years would cost £21,448 per annum paid in 6 monthly intervals. Taking out this loan will not require Nether Alderley to increase the precept to fund the loan charges. This is because the precept was raised several years ago specifically to save for this project and the annual loan charges will be less than the funds we have saved annually for the project. The Public Works Loans Board was established to provide local authorities with finance to fund capital projects like this and spread the cost over as many years as possible for its residents. In addition, the Parish Council may be able to pay off the loan earlier with any annual income over expenditure residues. if you would like more information, or have any concerns about this plan, please contact our Parish Clerk David Naylor. His email is: clerk.napc@gmail.com Thank You Angela Farrell Chair Nether Alderley Parish Council 23. September, 2023Latest NewsComments Off on Parish Hall Update – Proposed Loan |
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An Extra Meeting of the Nether Alderley Parish Council will held on Tuesday 15th August 2023NOTE: VIA ZOOM Click HERE to view or download a copy of the 15th August Agenda Click HERE to download the Enclosures Pack The draft minutes of the 8th and 15th August will appear here (in draft) in due course and will be confirmed as an accurate representation of the council meeting on 12th September Members of the public are welcome to attend and can raise any item at the start of the meeting and can comment on any item on the Agenda with the permission of the Chair. For this ZOOM meeting you can receive an invite by contacting David the Parish Clerk and requesting onePlease let David Naylor, the Parish Clerk, know if you wish to speak on an agenda item. His contact details are: 07717 244 537 or email clerk.napc@gmail.com 10. August, 2023Latest News, MeetingsComments Off on An Extra Meeting of the Nether Alderley Parish Council will held on Tuesday 15th August 2023 |
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Electors Rights in Relation to the Nether Alderley Parish Council’s Annual AccountsNether Alderley Parish CouncilNOTICE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS AND PUBLICATION
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Refurbishment Plans of the Parish Hall – Click on the images to enlarge them27. May, 2023Latest NewsComments Off on Refurbishment Plans of the Parish Hall – Click on the images to enlarge them |
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Nether Alderley Parish Council Accounts 2022/23The Parish Council’s 2022/23 end of year unaudited Accounts can be found by clicking here. They also show the 2023/24 budget.The audit process begins in mid April with an “Internal” Audit by JDH Business Services and concludes with an External Audit in July by PKF Littlejohn.David NaylorParish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
9. April, 2023Latest NewsComments Off on Nether Alderley Parish Council Accounts 2022/23 |
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The Next Meeting of the Nether Alderley Parish Council will be Tuesday 13th JuneAt Nether Alderley Parish HallClick HERE to view or download a copy of the 13th June AgendaClick HERE to download the Enclosures PackClick HERE to view or download a copy of the Minutes of 9th May. These will be confirmed as an accurate representation of the meeting at the 11th April meetingMembers of the public are welcome to attend and can raise any item at the start of the meeting and can comment on any item on the Agenda with the permission of the Chair.Please let David Naylor, the Parish Clerk, know if you wish to speak on an agenda item. His contact details are: 07717 244537 or email clerk.napc@gmail.com5. April, 2023Latest News, MeetingsComments Off on The Next Meeting of the Nether Alderley Parish Council will be Tuesday 13th June |
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Important Nether Alderley Neighbourhood Plan Public Drop-In Events Friday 17th March and Saturday 18th March at the Nether Alderley Parish HallPlease come along to this important event on one of the two days. See the Flyer below.This two-day event launches the start of the Section 14 statutory consultation period on the Pre-Submission version of the Plan and will enable us to secure your comments. It ends on Monday 29th May.Your comments should be submitted either by email to clerk.napc@gmail.com or by letter toDavid Naylor, Nether Alderley Parish Clerk, C/o 26 Barnside Way, Tytherington, Macclesfield Cheshire SK10 2TZ.All comments will be documented and considered by the Parish Council before the final version of the Plan is submitted to Cheshire East Council. It will then be reviewed by an independent planning inspector before a local referendum is organised by Cheshire East Council to agree its adoption.Please download a copy of the Plan HERE. (be patient the plan is a large document)Please download copies of the Public Meeting displays HERE
5. March, 2023Latest NewsComments Off on Important Nether Alderley Neighbourhood Plan Public Drop-In Events Friday 17th March and Saturday 18th March at the Nether Alderley Parish Hall |
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The Next Meeting of the Nether Alderley Parish Council Burial Board will be on Monday 3rd April 2023 at Nether Alderley Parish Hall 6pmNotice of the Meeting of the Burial Board 3rd April 2023 6pmThe Public and the Press are cordially invited to attendClick on the Image Below to Enlarge It
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Alderley Edge Traffic Calming Measures – there will be traffic disruption during the works which start on 30th JanuaryFollowing a consultation in August 2021, Cheshire East is starting work to install traffic calming measures in Alderley Edge on 23 January 2023. A 20mph zone and traffic calming features will be added in Alderley Edge Village centre and the surrounding area which will help to reduce unsafe speeds in the area. There will be traffic disruptions for up to 5 weeks from 30th January. Click on the link below for detailed information from Cheshire East. https://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/highways_and_roads/roadworks/alderley-edge-traffic-calming-measures.aspx26. January, 2023Latest NewsComments Off on Alderley Edge Traffic Calming Measures – there will be traffic disruption during the works which start on 30th January |
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Notice of Road Closure Alderley Road Chelford at the Railway BridgePlease be aware of this Road Closure in March from Monday 6th March to Sunday 19th MarchALDERLEY ROAD/CHELFORD ROAD, CHELFORD/GREAT WARFORD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cheshire East Borough Council in exercise of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and of all other enabling powers has made an order the effect of which will be to temporarily prohibit traffic. For approximately 100 metres either side of the railway bridge The alternative route will be via Alderley Road, Chelford Roundabout, Chelford Road, Bollington Lane, Congleton Road, Frog Lane Roundabout, Melrose Way, Harden Park Roundabout, Wilmslow Road, Ryleys Lane and visa versa which is considered the most suitable route.Click to access Location Map – https://one.network/?tm=132635015This order will come into operation on Monday 20th February 2023 and will continue in force for 18 months or for such less time as is necessary to complete the work to be executed in the highway, although it is anticipated that the works will be completed by Sunday 19th March 2023. If you have any enquiries relating to the works please contact Cheshire East Highways on telephone number 0300 123 5020.26. January, 2023Latest NewsComments Off on Notice of Road Closure Alderley Road Chelford at the Railway Bridge |
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You Won’t Want to Miss Our Special Christmas Fair at Nether Alderley Parish Hall on Saturday 3rd December 10am-2pmSee You There22. November, 2022Latest News, SpareComments Off on You Won’t Want to Miss Our Special Christmas Fair at Nether Alderley Parish Hall on Saturday 3rd December 10am-2pm |
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The audit of accounts for Nether Alderley Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2022 has been completed and the accounts have been published.The Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Nether Alderley Parish Council on application to:David Naylor, Nether Alderley Parish Council Clerk C/o 26 Barnside Way, Tytherington Macclesfield SK10 2TZTel: 07717 244537 or email: clerk.napc@gmail.comThe AGAR may be inspected between the hours of 10am & 5pm weekdays at the Parish Hall on Church Lane Nether Alderley by arrangement with the Clerk by telephone or email as above.Copies will be provided to any person on payment of £1 for each copy of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return.Click here to view the AGAR and the External Auditors report which reveals a clean audit with no issues to address.28. September, 2022Latest News, SpareComments Off on The audit of accounts for Nether Alderley Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2022 has been completed and the accounts have been published. |
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King Charles III – The ProclamationClick on the image below to enlarge the Proclamation
12. September, 2022Latest News, SpareComments Off on King Charles III – The Proclamation |
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Congelton Road Nether Alderley is to be Surface Patched over 3 days from 14th September by Cheshire East HighwaysCongleton Road’s pot holed road surface is to be attended to with large surface patching from 14th September. The work will take 3 days and will be between Whitebarn Road and Sand Lane. This is the first tranche of this work. The timing of the work will be between 9.30am and 15.30pm to avoid the “rush hours”. There will be some traffic disruption, but access will be maintained for emergency vehicles. There will be an on-site supervisor or alternatively you can call 0300 123 5020. 11. September, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on Congelton Road Nether Alderley is to be Surface Patched over 3 days from 14th September by Cheshire East Highways |
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The Public Consultation Meeting about the Nether Alderley Neighbourhood Plan scheduled for this Saturday 10th September has had to be postponed and will be rearranged for a Friday evening and a Saturday morning in OctoberThe Council would like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this might cause.A leaflet is also being delivered to Nether Alderley Residents to inform them of this situationClick on the image of the leaflet to enlarge it7. September, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on The Public Consultation Meeting about the Nether Alderley Neighbourhood Plan scheduled for this Saturday 10th September has had to be postponed and will be rearranged for a Friday evening and a Saturday morning in October |
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Nether Alderley Draft Neighbourhood Plan Consultation 10th September at Nether Alderley Village Hall 10am-2pmPOSTPONEDNether Alderley Parish Council is working towards the production of a Earlier this year, the Parish Council consulted on a set of draft policies. Following Towards this, there will be a consultation event as follows: 10 September 2022
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Friends of Nether Alderley QUIZ NIGHT & FISH AND CHIP SUPPER 30th September 7.30pm Nether Alderley Parish HallThere will also be a RafflePlease bring your own drinksTickets 15 pounds each from Jenny on 07966 224453or email jenny.shuff.napc@gmail.comWe look forward to seeing you there
3. August, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on Friends of Nether Alderley QUIZ NIGHT & FISH AND CHIP SUPPER 30th September 7.30pm Nether Alderley Parish Hall |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH AUGUST NEWSLETTERAugust Neighbourhood Watch newsletter Click HEREThis month’s newsletter includes articles on: Our launch of a national Community Safety Charter enabling local businesses and individuals to stand up against crimes such as antisocial behaviour, hate crime, intimidation and harassment. How to be an active rather than an inactive bystander How to have a strong relationship with all members of your community which not only helps to improve public safety and recruit new members, it also makes people feel welcome and included, We provide advice on engagement techniques. Here are some ways you can start to engage different groups within a diverse community and make connections that lead to inclusion. How to keep your home safe when you are on holiday How to avoid Phishing scams We hope you enjoy this edition and welcome your feedback via enquiries@ourwatch.org.uk. Best wishes CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF CREATING SAFER, CONNECTED AND ACTIVE COMMUNITIES Message Sent By 3. August, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH AUGUST NEWSLETTER |
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Summer Art Fair Nether Alderley Parish Hall 15-17 July Fri, Sat, Sun 11am – 4pmPaintings by local artists for saleRefreshmentsClick on the Poster below to enlarge and read all the details17. June, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on Summer Art Fair Nether Alderley Parish Hall 15-17 July Fri, Sat, Sun 11am – 4pm |
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Rural Crime Survey – Provide Your ViewsToday I have launched a Rural Crime survey that will run throughout the summer. Around two thirds of Cheshire is classed as rural, and I know from the contact I’ve had from residents and elected representatives across the county that rural crime can affect everyone. From theft of equipment and dangerous use of country roads to harming wildlife and anti-social behaviour, the scope and impact of rural crime is varied. Through this survey I hope to build a better picture of how rural crime affects different communities across Cheshire. I want to understand what our Rural Crime Team does well and what good practice can be expanded further, and I want to know where the police approach can improve and which issues residents believe need a greater focus. People’s feedback will give me a greater insight into how I can hold the Chief Constable to account for how Cheshire Police prevents and tackles rural crime. Rural crime has the potential to devastate livelihoods and wreck the scenic countryside we have on our doorstep. Whether we live or work in a rural area or visit there to enjoy one of Cheshire’s many natural beauty spots, I believe we all have a stake in ensuring our rural areas and communities are protected. Residents can have their say at the following link: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ruralcrimesurvey2022 Kind Regards John Dwyer Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
17. June, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on Rural Crime Survey – Provide Your Views |
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Electors Rights in Relation to the Nether Alderley Parish Council’s Annual AccountsNether Alderley Parish CouncilNOTICE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS AND PUBLICATION
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Neighbourhood Watch Launch a Lottery
Neighbourhood Watch Network has launched a lottery – be part of it to win £25,000! We are a national charity covering England and Wales and supporting over 90,000 volunteers with a small staff team of only eight people. We provide the public with crime prevention and community cohesion advice through our resources, newsletters, tools, and events. We support our 90,000 strong volunteers to keep their communities safe, inclusive, and vibrant places to live. It doesn’t cost a penny to be a member of the national movement; however, we rely on your support so that we can keep doing this. To help us raise funds, we have joined ONE LOTTERY. Tickets cost only £1 per week, and you could win weekly prizes of up to £25,000! 50% of proceeds from all tickets sold from our page go to our charity. The remainder is spent on the prizes and the administration of the lottery. How have we done this? We have joined ONE LOTTERY managed by Gatherwell Ltd, current winner of The Lotteries Council ‘Lottery Operator of the Year’ and one of the leading lottery providers for good causes and charities in the UK. What can I win? Each week there is a national draw with the chance to win £25,000 and a Neighbourhood Watch Network draw for smaller amounts. The more people that enter, the greater the Neighbourhood Watch Network draw prize. How can I take part? That’s easy. Visit onelottery.co.uk/support/ Please find out more here: ourwatch.org.uk/onelottery. Good luck and thank you for your support! Best wishes NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team Follow us.. ourwatch.org.uk / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIn Neighbourhood Watch Network is a charity registered in England & Wales, CIO no: 1173349 8. June, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on Neighbourhood Watch Launch a Lottery |
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PCSO Information and Survey Request – Gawsworth and Chelford WardsIf you live in the Wilmslow/Knutsford area please scan the QR code below and fill in the short survey where you can tell us about the issues you need addressing in your community Below are the dates and events where the PCSO will be present If Operations allow the PCSOs will be attending: Saturday 11th June PCSO Short Gawsworth Rose Queen Parade Monday 13th June PCSO Short Year 6 Gawsworth Primary School – Actions and Consequences Tuesday 14th June PCSO Short Training New Community Speed Watch Volunteers 19.00hrs Chelford Community Hub, Elmstead Road, Chelford (anyone wishing training that I haven’t received notifications please let me know ASAP Saturday 25th June PCSO Short & PC Charnock Bosley Rose Queen Parade Saturday 2nd July PCSO Short Lower Withington Rose Queen Parade Monday 4th July PCSO Short Year 6 Peover Superior Primary School – Actions and Consequences Saturday 9th July PCSO Short & PC Charnock Eaton Garden Party Saturday 30th July PCSO Short & PC Charnock Siddington Water Lily Parade A34 Marton Meadows Golf Club and on line Facebook @Gawsworth & Chelford Police Tuesday 7th June 10.00 – 11.00hrs Monday 14th June 17.00 – 18.00hrs Friday 24th June 18.00 – 19.00hrs Wednesday 29th June 11.00 – 12.00hrs Sunday 10th July 09.00 -10.00hrs Friday 15th July 16.00 – 17.00hrs Wednesday 20th July 10.00 – 11.00hrs Tuesday 26th July 14.00 15.00hrs
Gawsworth Hub, Longbutts Lane Wednesday 8th June 10.00 – 11.00hrs Thursday 30th June 7, 2022 11.00 – 12.00hrs 8. June, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on PCSO Information and Survey Request – Gawsworth and Chelford Wards |
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Age UK’s Scam Awareness May News SheetClick on the image below to read the Age Concern May News Sheet which advises on how to avoid scams 20. May, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on Age UK’s Scam Awareness May News Sheet |
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CHESHIRE EAST POLICE SURGERIESPolice SurgeriesA34 Marton Meadows Golf Club and on line Facebook @Gawsworth & Chelford PoliceThursday 19th May 11.00 – 12.00hrs Gawsworth Hub, Longbutts LaneTuesday 17th May 12.00 – 13.00hrs Tree Tops Nursery off the A50 Ollerton, nr KnutsfordWednesday 18th May 10.00 – 11.00hrs Plumley Garden Centre, Plumley Moor Road, PlumleySaturday 28th May 10.00 – 11.0hrs 13. May, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE EAST POLICE SURGERIES |
1. May, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTGawsworth & Chelford Newsletter – 07. 04.2022General News & InformationPCSO Amy Mair has now taken over the day to day running and care of Chelford Ward from PCSO Julia Short. Quite a few Schools have been visited during the Month of February as it was Internet Safety Day on the 8th. Cheshire Alerts has been upgraded and will now be called Neighbourhood Alerts. There are no trends at the moment as with regular social media and Neighbourhoods Alerts from scams and other crime are quickly responded too by the Beat Team. Knutsford Beat Team: Inspector Andrew Baker & Sgt Bill Brickhill, PC Garry Charnock, PCSO’s Julia Short & Amy Mair Follow us on: Gawsworth & Chelford Police | Facebook https://twitter.com/PoliceKnutsford DID YOU KNOW… Rules for all types of road users have been updated in The Highway Code to improve the safety of people walking, cycling and riding horses. There are 8 changes that you need to know about. The Highway Code: 8 changes you need to know from 29 January 2022 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) Message Sent By 7. April, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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ACTION FRAUDOver 20,000 people fell victim to remote access scamsMore than £50 million was lost last year to scams where victims are tricked into handing over control of their computer or smartphone to criminals. New data from Action Fraud, the national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime, reveals that 20,144 people fell victim to scams where they were persuaded to grant criminals remote access to their device. What are remote access scams Detective Chief Inspector Craig Mullish, from the City of London Police, said: How to protect yourself • Only install software or grant remote access to your computer if you’re asked by someone you know and trust, such as a friend or family member, and never as a result of an unsolicited call, browser pop up, or text message. Message Sent By 6. April, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on ACTION FRAUD |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTKeeping Dogs under Control near LivestockSpring has sprung and we have lots of newly born livestock in the fields around us. Please remember whilst out enjoying the sunshine 🌞 that all dogs need to be on leads near livestock- even if you think that your dog is well behaved and is no threat #here4ruralcommunities Message Sent By 28. March, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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March 2022 Age UK Cheshire East is working with our partners, Cheshire East Council Trading Standards, to ensure that older people across Cheshire East are prevented from being victims of scams and doorstep crime. One of the ways we do this is to publish a monthly Scams Awareness Bulletin, which can be viewed by clicking on the image below. This bulletin is made possible with funding from the National Lottery’s Community Fund and the Garfield Weston Foundation. About us… Our aim is to improve the later life of the people of Cheshire East. We are a local, independent charity, providing a wide range of services to older people in Cheshire East. All the funds we generate are spent on delivering services locally. The main focus of our work is:- Telephone : 01625 612958 Email : enquiries@ageukce.org Age UK Cheshire East is the working name of Age Concern East Cheshire, which is a registered charity No. 1090161 and a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No. 4309557. Registered Office: New Horizons Centre, Henderson Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 6RA. 21. March, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE EAST – AGE UK |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTSUSPICIOUS VEHICLERecently there has been a blue coloured Volvo S60 seen at a farm in Siddington acting suspiciously. This vehicle has been all over the North West in the past few months in rural locations. Please call us on 101 if seen in similar or suspicious circumstances. Message Sent By: 18. March, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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QUIZ NIGHT – CANCELLED11. March, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on QUIZ NIGHT – CANCELLED |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTCommissioner launches survey to inform future funding bidsFollowing recent funding bid successes which led to the Safer Streets campaigns currently being rolled out in Warrington and Chester, Police & Crime Commissioner John Dwyer has launched a survey asking people across Cheshire for their views on the safety of women in public places across the county. Everyone is encouraged to have their say by the end of the month at https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=164630643405 The Commissioner wants to get as many views as possible from people, businesses and other organisations in Cheshire before he and his team put together the next bid for funding to improve community safety and offer reassurance to women and girls. John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire said: “At the end of last year, we were successful in obtaining over £1 million in funding for projects to tackle violence against women and girls and make our streets safer for everyone. I want to build on that success and I need your input to make it happen. “Me and my team will then take all of that feedback on board when looking at how we can secure even more funding for the benefit of people in Cheshire. While the survey is focused on women’s safety, particularly in light of the national focus on violence against women and girls, I want to hear from anyone and everyone who can help to make Cheshire a safer place to live, work and visit. Our communities as a whole benefit when everyone feels safer.” The survey asks people a range of questions about the places they feel unsafe, as well as the reasons behind this that could relate to either the area itself or a characteristic of any individual. The Commissioner is hoping that by getting an in-depth view of how many people think and feel, the next round of funding his office secures will deliver the greatest benefit for some of the most vulnerable people and communities. John Dwyer added: “This survey gives you the chance to tell me directly why, when and where you don’t feel safe in any area of our county, right down to specific postcodes. “It’s really important that I capture as many people’s experiences as possible through this survey so that I know what is making people feel unsafe, what would make them feel safer, and what my office can do via future funding bids to help. Please do take a few minutes to share your views.” The survey will close on Thursday 31 March. You can take the survey at: https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=164630643405 If you would like a hard copy or an accessible version of the survey, please email pcc@cheshire.police.uk or call 01606 364000. Message Sent By 11. March, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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VACANCY for a Part Time Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)Due to impending retirement, there is an upcoming vacancy for a part time Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) to Nether Alderley Parish Council. Working hours and remuneration to be advised. If you are interested in this position, please contact: Cllr. Norman Howick (Chair) on 07740 081 353 Closing date for applications: Friday 18th March 2022 6. March, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on VACANCY for a Part Time Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH‘WHAT DOES SMART SECURITY MEAN FOR MY HOME?’ FREE WEBINARJoin this virtual chat with a smart security expert from ERA, plus Q&A Thursday 10th March, 5 – 6pm Find out what smart security means for your home and how simple changes can vastly improve its security. During the webinar Neighbourhood Watch CEO, John Hayward-Cripps, and ERA’s smart security expert, Sumier Foster-Shah, will discuss: BOOK YOUR PLACE HERE* Best wishes NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team Neighbourhood Watch Network is a charity registered in England & Wales, CIO no: 1173349 CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF CREATING SAFER, CONNECTED AND ACTIVE COMMUNITIES Message Sent By 6. March, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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ACTION FRAUDSCAM WARNING: COVID text messages Watch out for fake text messages pretending to be from the NHS. Since Jan 1st, 412 victims have reported losses totalling more than £531,000. Please use the following links if you would like to see an example of the fake NHS messages reported to Action Fraud: What you need to look out for: How to report scam messages: For information on NHS coronavirus testing, visit: www.nhs.uk Message Sent By 5. March, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on ACTION FRAUD |
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QUIZ NIGHT1. March, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on QUIZ NIGHT |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCHThink WIDE(N) burglary prevention campaign launchedOur research shows two thirds (67%) of people are worried about their home being broken into, yet there are simple, proven measures we can all take to reduce our chances of becoming a victim of burglary by up to 50%.
To help you be and feel safer at home, we are running our Think WIDE(N) burglary prevention campaign (1st-31st March), highlighting the simple, evidence-based WIDE measures which can be taken in any home on a variety of budgets. At Neighbourhood Watch, we also believe neighbours keeping an eye out for each other is key to reducing burglary, so we’ve extended the WIDE acronym to WIDE(N): • W: WINDOWS: Keep your windows locked To learn more about WIDE(N) and burglary prevention measures, visit ourwatch.org.uk/thinkwiden. John Hayward-Cripps, CEO of Neighbourhood Watch Network, said ‘It is not okay for two-thirds of people to fear being burgled. More needs to be done to help people be and feel safer, and when it comes to burglary, prevention is always better than cure. Since 1982 we have been supporting communities to feel and be safer. We know that by securing your home’s windows, interior, doors, exterior and keeping an eye out for neighbours, we can all give ourselves the best chance of not being burgled. If you have been burgled recently, criminals are familiar with your home and may come back once you’ve had time to purchase new items. Act soon to avoid being retargeted – use the WIDE(N) advice for a combination of simple yet effective prevention measures.’ We have joined forces with our longstanding primary smart security partner, ERA Home Security, to bring their expertise to our Think WIDE(N) burglary prevention campaign. We are excited to invite you to some events this month: Member discount If you have any questions or feedback regarding the campaign, please email enquiries@ourwatch.org.uk. Kind regards NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team Message Sent By 1. March, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTWe Want Your View on Helpdesk ProposalCheshire Constabulary is asking for the public’s feedback on plans to have helpdesks at five police stations across the county. Currently there are 16 helpdesks which have varying opening hours over five to seven days a week, but many are seldom used. With more and more people now choosing to contact the police in different ways, the Constabulary is working to ensure the service it provides meets the changing needs of the public. Under the new proposals a helpdesk service would be provided at police stations in Blacon, Crewe, Warrington, Widnes and Macclesfield. These helpdesks would be open to the public between 8am and 5pm from Monday to Saturday. In addition, a virtual video link to a helpdesk officer will be available within the same opening hours at Northwich Police Station. Assistant Chief Constable Bill Dutton said: “Firstly I would like to reassure the public that these proposals will not reduce the level of service or the current police presence in Cheshire. Our operational teams and where we deploy our police officers and police community support officers from are unaffected. “Since helpdesks were introduced in 2004 the landscape has changed significantly. A large proportion of the population have mobile phones and access to online services meaning the need for face-to-face contact is reducing. “We have noticed that more people than ever are now choosing to report crime and interact with police online or via a mobile device, and as a police service we have to adapt to these changes in our society. “It is important to reiterate that we are not proposing to close any police stations, and although some helpdesks would close under these proposals, these will be substituted by regular Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) surgeries. “The savings we make will be reinvested into our force contact centre, helping improve our response times in answering 999 and 101 calls, which is a key priority for the Constabulary. “However, it is really important we hear from our communities about these proposed changes and I want to encourage people to feedback to us during the consultation process.” “The Chief Constable and I are steadfast in our commitment to increasing the police presence across Cheshire by taking our officer numbers to their highest ever level on our current boundaries – a total of 2,347. “We are investing in our force control centre, bringing 101 waiting times down and getting officers out quicker to both 999 and 101 calls. The budget I have approved for 2022/23 includes a further £1.3 million investment on top of this, putting more frontline staff where they are best placed in order to take your call in your moment of need. “People consistently feed back to me that the police need to invest more in the ways that people want to contact us and prioritise resources efficiently. That is what these proposals aim to do.” To have your say on the proposals please visit https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=164432458930 The consultation is open from 14 February until 27 March 2022. Anyone wanting to report a crime, incident or looking to seek advice from the police can do so by visiting www.cheshire.police.uk or by calling 101. In the case of an emergency or threat to life, always dial 999. Message Sent By 21. February, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTCan You Help Tackle Violent Crime In Our CountyAre you an organisation that helps to prevent violent crime and behaviour? Are you a referral service that works with people involved or at risk of involvement in violent crime? Does your organisation work with young people through offering social activities or apprenticeships? If so, Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, wants to hear from you. The Youth Endowment Fund supports projects that prevent children and young people from becoming involved in violence, and awards grants to various agencies. As part of his plans to submit a bid to the fund, John Dwyer has launched a call for expressions of interest from organisations who work with young people and could play a role in tackling violent crime and behaviour. You can express your interest here: https://forms.gle/SsGoPMcBH1RDUCyDA John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire said: “Areas like Cheshire are often overlooked for this type of funding in favour of the big cities, but that doesn’t mean we don’t face similar issues. We have young people and communities in our county that would benefit massively from this investment, should the bid be successful. “I want to hear from community organisations and service providers who could join me in developing solutions and a delivering a series of projects to prevent young people from falling into a life of crime, and tackle violent crime in our county. This bid is at an early planning stage, and I want to harness every bit of experience I can to give us the best chance of success.” The Commissioner would like to hear from a wide range of providers across the sectors who are currently delivering services, or have a desire to expand their services, to young people in Cheshire which aim to reduce serious and/or violent crime. The theme for the funding that the Commissioner intends to bid for is Focused Deterrence. This is an approach to reducing violence that identifies individuals involved in violent crime and offers them direct positive support, as well as clear communication of the consequences of their behaviour. It also focuses on wider community engagement and discussion between victims and offenders. You can find out more about the Youth Endowment Fund at: www.youthendowmentfund.org.uk Message Sent By 21. February, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT2022 International Internet Safety DayToday (Tuesday 8th February) is Safer Internet Day, a global day to encourage everyone to make the internet a safe place to be, especially for children and young people. Safer Internet Day is a good reminder to check your internet, email and social media settings to make sure your accounts are as secure as they can be. For more advice on how to avoid cybercrime take a look at our website – search internet safety https://www.cheshire.police.uk/news/cheshire/news/articles Message Sent By 21. February, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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February OUR NEWS newsletter for Neighbourhood Watch supporters out nowOur second newsletter of 2022 sees the launch of our Volunteer Recognition Awards 2022 to recognise volunteers who have dedicated more than five years working in their communities on behalf of Neighbourhood Watch. Find out more on page 4. It features the findings of our Neighbourhood Watch Crime and Community Survey 2021, details of our Neighbourhood Watch Community Grants Fund, which will focus on 40th-anniversary activities, and booking details for the upcoming online free Coordinator Workshops. As if that isn’t enough, we also highlight our participation in Race Equality Week (7th – 13th Feb) with a promise from our CEO John Hayward-Cripps, and the launch of our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Statement. You can read about all this and more in our newsletter attached. We hope you enjoy this edition and welcome your feedback via enquiries@ourwatch.org.uk. Keep well, NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team Attachments 7. February, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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PUBLIC CONSULTATIONNether Alderley Neighbourhood Plan
4. February, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on PUBLIC CONSULTATION |
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STAYING SAFE ONLINEDear Resident, How secure do you feel online? We are currently gathering views and information on attitudes to cyber security and would really appreciate your help! This survey will only take a minute to complete and will not collect or share any personal information. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/JG2XS8S Secondly, if your children or grandchildren enjoy online gaming you might want to join our webinar on Tuesday 8 February at 7pm on Gaming4Good. Most experts agree that playing online games can have many beneficial effects to our children, developing key cognitive, motor and life skills and encouraging them to keep abreast of the latest technology. However, as with many things children do online, there can also be negatives. This Safer Internet Day, please join our free one-hour Gaming4Good webinar where you can hear from a panel of experts in family gaming, psychology, gaming risk and finance, about how to approach your child’s gaming to help them get the most out of it … and avoid the pitfalls. You can register here: With kind regards, Message Sent By 3. February, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on STAYING SAFE ONLINE |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTFake Banking App Scam AlertWe are urging anyone who have accounts on line or are considering buying or selling goods on line to be extra vigilant about a scam involving a fake bank account transfer app. The App creates an image which shows the transfer has been made. In recent weeks offenders have been targeting vulnerable individuals including the elderly. Message Sent By 2. February, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTLast Chance To Have Your Say on Police BudgetA survey on the level of council tax that people in Cheshire pay towards their police service will close tomorrow (25 January) at midday. Launched earlier this month by Police & Crime Commissioner John Dwyer, the survey sets out the priorities for next year’s police budget and asks residents for their view on the police precept. You can take the survey here: www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/yourpolicebudget2022-23 The police budget proposed by the Commissioner includes: Police & Crime Commissioner, John Dwyer said: “I’ve listened to residents since I returned to office in May 2021 and at the end of last year I received an unprecedented response in my autumn survey – The largest consultation ever carried out by your Police and Crime Commissioner. “I’ve used all that feedback to develop this budget and it’s really important for me to get your views once again. Put simply: This budget will enable me and the Chief Constable to put more police on the streets and invest in the areas that matter to you. I encourage everyone to have their say.” 24. January, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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AVIAN INFLUENZAAs you may be aware, the UK is facing its largest ever outbreak of bird flu with over 70 cases confirmed across the country since the start of November. The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) and Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) have declared an avian influenza prevention zone across Great Britain. Cheshire East Council is taking immediate measures to inform and advise local residents, partners and landowners about avian influenza outbreaks and what to look out for following a confirmed case on a commercial poultry farm in Warmingham (in Brereton Rural Ward). This site has now been confirmed by the Animal, Plant and Health Agency as having the HN51 strain. Declaration of a Protection Zone and a Surveillance Zone (H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza) – near Crewe, Cheshire East, Cheshire Captive Birds Wild Birds DEFRA helpline – if residents find any dead swans, geese, ducks or other dead wild birds such as gulls or birds of prey, they can report them to the DEFRA helpline on 03459 33 55 77. ‘Stop the spread’ For further information, please contact: Jane Mathews, Team Leader – Animal Health 24. January, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on AVIAN INFLUENZA |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTAge UK UpdatesNew Year, New Habits, the Link below for this months’ Age UK Scam Bulletin. Scams Awareness Update Bulletin Issue 2 May 2020 (ageuk.org.uk) Message Sent By: 24. January, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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Advance notification of temporary changes to operations for Runway 1 works (Schedule for 2022)As you may be aware, our existing Runway, Runway 1 (05R/23L) is our primary runway and has been used solely for operations during the Pandemic where we have been operating with severely restricted aircraft movements. Each year maintenance work is required to maintain Runway 1, the most used runway, and its’ adjoining taxiways. We publish dates of the nights when Runway 1 will be closed; Runway 1 planned closure dates 2022-23 MONTH/DATES/TIMES ** 5-night Closure As part of our commitment to communicating with our neighbours we are also contacting over 750 people close to our site (who have requested advance notification) to advise them of these nights of closure; as well as placing advertisements in the local press. Our website www.manchesterairport.co.uk/runwayclosures contains more information; including film clips that show nights of runway closure and the challenges faced by our airfield colleagues and contractors to fit so much work in to such a short time window. I am sorry for the disturbance that these temporary changes to our night-time operations may cause to you and those that you represent. I would like to assure you that such closures are only arranged when essential work is required. Whilst writing, it is also worth noting, that as part of our recovery plans we anticipate returning to more normal operations from spring / summer 2022, where we will look to reintroduce Runway 2 operations. More details will be provided when final plans are confirmed. Helen McNabb 11. January, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on Advance notification of temporary changes to operations for Runway 1 works (Schedule for 2022) |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCHJanuary 2022 Our NewsThe Monthly Newsletter For All Neighbourhood Watch SupportersHappy New Year, and welcome to our first newsletter of 2022 for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales! This year, we are thrilled to be celebrating 40 years since the first Neighbourhood Watch group was formed in the UK in Cheshire in 1982. To kick-start our celebrations, we have proudly launched a special-edition 40th anniversary logo, which you can choose to use from now and throughout 2022 as you wish. We will be sharing more ways to celebrate our special anniversary throughout the year – for now, save the date for NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH WEEK 2022 from 30th May – 5th June. You may notice this falls on the same weekend as the Queens Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend and The Big Lunch – which presents a fantastic opportunity to host a street party and connect with your neighbours. To download our anniversary logo, find top tips on how to organise a street party, or see how you can play your part in tackling terrorism, read our newsletter here. Kind regards, NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF CREATING SAFER, Message Sent By 11. January, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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4. January, 2022Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
ACTION FRAUDAre You Leaving The Door Open For Hackers?Why are software updates important? Software updates are an important part of staying secure online. But why? You’ll often hear about the new features or performance improvements in a software update, but what isn’t talked about as often are the bug fixes and security improvements. Out-of-date software and apps contain weaknesses. This makes them easier to hack. Companies fix the weaknesses by releasing updates. When you update your devices and software, this helps to keep hackers out. Why would cyber criminals target me? Your device contains a lot of personal data that is highly valuable if it fell into the hands of a fraudster. The likelihood is your device will contain your full name, date of birth, address, bank details, passwords, as well as many other forms of personal data such as private photos or videos. Improve your online security by using automatic software updates We understand it can sometimes be annoying to remember to update your devices every time a new update is released, that’s why we encourage you to enable automatic updates wherever it’s available. That means you don’t have to manually install updates every time they’re released. We’ve provided some useful links below where you can find step by step instructions on how to enable automatic updates for your devices and apps.: For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website: www.cyberaware.gov.uk Thanks for reading! If you found this information useful, please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends. Message Sent By 23. December, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on ACTION FRAUD |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCHFestive greetings!As 2021 draws to a close, we reflect on the year gone by. Communities across England and Wales have once again faced significant challenges and losses, and we want to thank every single person who has stepped up and supported their neighbours, loved ones, and colleagues throughout the year. Every small act makes a difference, especially in difficult times. Acknowledging the amazing neighbourly spirit that has helped us weather the last 2 years, in September we launched the NEIGHBOUR OF THE YEAR 2021 AWARDS with Co-op Insurance, including three categories of NEIGHBOUR OF THE YEAR, YOUNG NEIGHBOUR OF THE YEAR and COMMUNITY OF THE YEAR. We were blown away by the number of people who have gone out of their way to do all they can to care for others over the past year. In case you missed it on BBC One’s Morning Live on Monday morning, we are delighted to announce the winners of this year’s NEIGHBOUR OF THE YEAR AWARDS in partnership with Co-op Insurance. Please open the attached PDF to see the winners and hear their stories. We are thrilled to be celebrating Neighbourhood Watch’s 40th Anniversary next year – and we want you to join us! In celebration of our rich past, present and future, we have a range of events planned throughout the year that we would love you to get involved with. We will update on these in January, but for now make sure you mark in your diary – Neighbourhood Watch Week 2022, with the theme of 40 YEARS – 40 ACTIONS between Monday 30th May – Sunday 5th June 2022. It is thanks to our amazing volunteers throughout England and Wales that since the first scheme was set up in Mollington, Cheshire in 1982, we have continued to support communities and adapt to the ever-changing nature of crime. And we look forward to supporting communities for the next 40 years! With many people facing isolation and loneliness again this season, we ask you to consider not who is my neighbour, but how is my neighbour, and support them how you can (always prioritising your own safety of course). All the Central Support Team and I would like to wish you a safe and festive season and a Happy New Year! Best wishes, Thank you and see you in 2022! John Hayward-Cripps, Attachments Message Sent By: 23. December, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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23. December, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE PUB CO COMEDY FESTIVAL |
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ACTION FRAUDDo You Know Where To Report Scam Messages?Fake emails and text messages are a common tactic used by cyber criminals, their goal is often to convince you to click a link. Once clicked, you may be sent to a dodgy website which could download viruses onto your computer, or steal your passwords and personal information. In order to try and convince you that their messages are legitimate, criminals will pretend to be someone you trust, or from some organisation you trust. This could be your Internet Service Provider (ISP), local council, even a friend in need. And they may contact you by phone call, email or text message. Reporting suspicious emails: If you have received an email which you’re not quite sure about, you can report it by forwarding the email to the Suspicious Email Reporting Service at: report@phishing.gov.uk As of 31st October 2021, the number of suspicious email reports stands at more than 8,100,000, with the removal of more than 67,000 scams and 124,000 URLs. Thank you for your continued support. *In a small number of cases, an email may not reach our service due to it already being widely recognised by spam detection services. The vast majority of reports do reach our system so please keep reporting any suspicious emails you receive. Reporting suspicious text messages: You can report suspicious text messages to your mobile network provider, for free, by forwarding the text to 7726. If you forward a text, your provider can investigate the origin of the text and take action, if found to be malicious. If 7726 doesn’t work, you can find out how to report a text message by contacting your provider. (On many Android devices and iPhones, pressing and holding on the message bubble should present the option to forward the message) For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website: ncsc.gov.uk/cyberaware Thanks for reading! If you found this information useful, please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends. Message Sent By 20. December, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on ACTION FRAUD |
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FAMILY CHRISTMAS CAROL SINGALONG – CANCELLEDPlease note, sadly the Family Christmas Carol Singalong on Friday 17th December has been CANCELLED due to the rising numbers of COVID-19 cases. Please accept our apologies for any convenience this may cause. 9. December, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on FAMILY CHRISTMAS CAROL SINGALONG – CANCELLED |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCHDecember Our News – The Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter For Supporters
The December newsletter for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales can be read here. This edition features pieces on our amazing partnerships with Patlock and ERA, the Neighbourhood Watch Community Grants Fund, Neighbour of the Year Awards 2021, the success of Park Hall Area Neighbourhood Watch using WhatsApp, how to make sure we all #ShopKind this season, working towards ending men’s violence against women, and much more. So dive into December’s edition of OUR NEWS here. Best wishes, Follow us.. ourwatch.org.uk / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIn Message Sent By: 9. December, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTCheshire Residents Warned To Be Vigilant Following Reports of Courier Fraud Scams Across The CountyDetectives are warning the public after a spate of courier fraud scams have left Cheshire victims without thousands of pounds. Since November there have been four incidents, one in Wilmslow, one in Crewe, one in Handforth and another in Warrington, reported to Cheshire Constabulary. Courier frauds are mainly committed by organised crime groups (OCGs) and a member of the OCG, known as the ‘victim communicator’, makes a phone call to vulnerable potential victims, persuading them that they are a police officer or work at a bank. They then manage to get the victim to cooperate with an ‘operation’ designed to gather evidence or identify offenders responsible for a fictional offence. The victims are asked to withdraw money from their bank, purchase an expensive item and/or provide their bank details or card to assist with the operation. Money, items or documents are then handed over to the ‘courier’, who attends the victim’s address or meets them nearby, on the promise that the money or item will be returned or compensation will be provided. Sadly, no compensation is provided and the money will not be returned. Leaving victims, in some cases, out of pocket of thousands of pounds. Detective Sergeant Chris Jacques from Cheshire Constabulary’s Economic Crime Unit said: ‘In the last couple of months we have had reports of people being a victim of this type of crime. We therefore want to warn others to prevent them from also becoming a victim and to also encourage people to tell elderly relatives and neighbour’s about it so they are aware of the signs. These scammers will stop at nothing to make a criminal gain and can be extremely convincing and very persistent. By using these methods they can often blindside their victims into believing them, before taking hard-earned money. It is important for the public to remember that police officers, banks and other services will never ask you to withdraw money or provide card details over the phone. Telephone numbers can be easily spoofed and you should never trust a number displayed on your telephone. Another concerning trend is that scammers have been asking victims to call back on 999, 101 or 162 to verify that they are genuine. This is part of the scam and they keep the line open so that the victim continues speak with the scammers believing that they are genuine officials. Anyone who is receiving calls asking for money to be withdrawn and handed over to a courier should call 101 or report it to Action Fraud. Anyone who believes they have been contacted fraudulently or have been a victim of fraud should call either Cheshire Constabulary on 101 or contact Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040 or visiting their website: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ Message Sent By: 6. December, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTScam AlertPlease Remember that the Police under no Circumstances will never ask you to withdraw money from a bank, never give cash or bank cards to a courier and to report incidents like this to the police. Do not give any banking details to someone who has cold called you. Always Check with your bank and report it to the police. Message Sent By 6. December, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTPotential Scam AlertReport of a male flagging down motorists claiming to have run out of petrol. Driver says he has no cash or credit /debt card but will then offer jewellery in exchange i.e chains / rings for your cash or the use if your credit / debit card. Please report any suspicious activity. Message Sent By: 4. December, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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ACTION FRAUDHundreds Fall Victim To Lottery Scams In Just Seven MonthsWhat is lottery fraud? Criminals will contact unsuspecting victims informing them they have won a lottery or prize draw. The victim is then informed that they will need to pay an advance fee in order to receive their winnings. In reality, the winnings are non-existent and it is an attempt to steal the victims money, personal or financial information. Between April and October 2021, Action Fraud received 629 reports of lottery fraud, with 89 per cent of reports mentioning well-known prize draws. Impersonation of People’s Postcode Lottery accounted for almost half (49 per cent) of all reports. Almost three quarters of victims (70 per cent) were aged over 50, with those aged over 65 accounting for 40 per cent of reports. Fraudsters use gift cards as a form of payment as they can be easily redeemed and sold on. The criminals don’t need the physical card to redeem the value as they ask the victims to share the serial code on the back of the card with them. In other instances, victims reported being asked for personal and financial information in order to obtain their alleged winnings. Some victims reported providing their bank details thinking they would be sent a small payment to verify the account. In reality, criminals will use these details to steal the victim’s money. How to protect yourself Stop: Unsolicited offers of large sums of money in return for a small upfront payment should always raise a red flag. Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe. Challenge: Could it be fake? Remember, you can’t win a prize in a competition you didn’t enter. It’s okay to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you. Protect: If you think you’ve been a victim of fraud, contact your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud online at actionfraud.police.uk or by calling 0300 123 2040. For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/cyberaware 26. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on ACTION FRAUD |
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CEC BALANCED BUDGET CONSULTATION (2022-26)Cheshire East Council is inviting opinions and views from residents, businesses, councillors, staff, town and parish councils, local community groups and other stakeholders on the council’s budget for the next financial year. Increased demand for vital services is seeing the council propose an annual council tax increase of 1.99 per cent for the next four years. As well as this, the government are expecting councils to increase council tax by a further 1 per cent to contribute to adult social care, taking it to an annual 2.99 per cent increase. Set against a backdrop of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, increasing demand for vital services, the need for local action to combat climate change, and rising costs – the council’s budget consultation sets out service proposals and financial plans for the period from 1 April 2022 through to 31 March 2023. The proposals show a balanced four-year budget to deliver the council’s corporate plan priorities. It also outlines significant financial challenges that the council must tackle over the next year, including rapidly rising demand and costs for adult social care and those that are a result of the ongoing pandemic. For more information and to have your say on our budget consultation, please go to: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/BudgetEngagement The budget consultation runs until 4th January 2022. Kind regards Alex Thompson Director of Finance & Customer Services – S.151 Officer 24. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CEC BALANCED BUDGET CONSULTATION (2022-26) |
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Keep your Christmas, Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping safeWhether it’s getting the Christmas list ticked off, that last minute gift for someone special or a treat for ourselves, most of us will be buying more online this festive season. It’s fantastic being able to take advantage of the convenience, choice and value brought by the internet, but unfortunately it is also a favourite haunt of fraudsters, vying to take advantage of the fact that you have so many distractions in the lead-up to Christmas. That why it’s especially important to safeguard yourself, your family and finances when you’re buying online on Black Friday, Cyber Monday or any other day. Attached is our latest Get Safe Online leaflet (November 2021) providing top online shopping tips, but if you want to find out more you can always visit our website at www.getsafeonline.org Happy shopping! From, Message Sent By: 24. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on GET SAFE ONLINE |
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ACTION FRAUD15M Lost To Online Shopping Scams Last Christmas!Online shopping scams cost shoppers £15.4 million over the Christmas period last year. New data from Action Fraud, the national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime, reveals that 28,049 shoppers were conned out of their money when shopping online over the Christmas period last year – an increase of almost two thirds (61 per cent) when compared to the same period in the previous year. Ahead of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Action Fraud is warning the public to take extra care when shopping online as reports of online shopping fraud have continued to surge. Here are some simple tips to help you and your family enjoy a secure online shopping experience this festive season. Where to shop Your information Payment method Phishing Email accounts: Need help changing your email account password? You can use these links to find step by step instructions: Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Outlook, BT, AOL Mail. If things go wrong For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/cyberaware Thanks for reading! If you found this information useful, please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends. Message Sent By: 24. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on ACTION FRAUD |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTAge Concern Scams Bulletin For NovemberThis Months Bulletin is about PROMOTING SAFER CULTURES… Message Sent By: 24. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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ACTION FRAUDThe Best Way To Keep Hackers Out of Your Online Accounts Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) is the single most important thing you can do to improve the security of your online accounts. What is 2FA? Enabling 2FA will help to stop hackers from getting into your accounts, even if they have your password. How do I enable 2FA on my accounts? For more of the government’s latest advice on how to stay secure online, visit the Cyber Aware website: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/cyberaware Thanks for reading! If you found this information useful, please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends. Message Sent By: 24. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on ACTION FRAUD |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCHNovember 2021 Our News NewsletterThe November newsletter edition for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales can be read here. Do you know someone affected by ASB? 43% of victims say it’s affected their mental health. Our ASB webinar, featuring an expert speaker from the charity ASB Help, on the 15th November is open to the public but spaces are limited. Find out more including a link to book on page 2 of our newsletter. The newsletter also features articles on: saying NO to ASB and tackling it as a community; fraud trends; staying safe as the nights draw in; looking closer to protect children from county lines; the relaunched Neighbourhood Watch Community Grants Fund; keeping Covid-19 at bay this winter; and more. Read the November OUR NEWS newsletter here. Best wishes, NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team 9. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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NETHER ALDERLEY CHRISTMAS FAYRESaturday 20th November 2021in the Parish Hall10.00 a.m. until 2.00 p.m.Come and join us for our Christmas Fayre! There will be craft stalls, cake stalls, plant stalls, tombola and much more! A light lunch and drinks will also be available to purchase. Admission is completely FREE so bring your entire family and support this event! 8. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NETHER ALDERLEY CHRISTMAS FAYRE |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTHave Your Say on Policing and Crime In CheshireToday, Monday 8 November, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, has launched his Autumn Survey. He wants to hear from people across the county about policing and crime in their communities, and over the course of the week surveys will be landing on every doormat in the county. Following the launch of his Police and Crime Plan last week, the Commissioner is seeking people’s views on more in-depth subjects like their experience with the police, crime in their community, what they think about the police budget, and how they feel about their police service. John Dwyer, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, said: “Seeking the public’s views on policing and crime is important to me. I can’t do my role effectively without knowing what people are thinking. By sharing your views with me via my survey, I can feed your thoughts and needs into the work the Constabulary does. “It’s vital that people know about the role that their Commissioner carries out on their behalf, and that I know what they expect me to deliver. This will help me to scrutinise the Chief Constable and deliver on the public’s priorities set out in my Police and Crime Plan.” Another of the Commissioner’s key responsibilities is to set the police precept, the part of council tax that goes to policing. In the survey he outlines the possibilities for next year’s decision on the police precept and asks residents for their thoughts on what should happen. John Dwyer added: “A small rise in the police precept will be necessary in order for the police to keep up with inflation. But I want to know what amount, if any, residents would be prepared to pay above this if it meant the Constabulary had more resources to devote to communities. “Every response I get will feed into my police precept proposal that I will take back to the public early next year. I want every resident to have their say on what matters to their community and how they want their police service to deliver on their priorities.” To take the Commissioner’s survey online, go to www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/5P75ZBS To request a hard copy of the survey, please email pcc@cheshire.police.uk Message Sent By: 8. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTChange of Beat Management For Gawsworth and ChelfordAs from yesterday Monday 1st November Gawsworth & Chelford Wards will no longer be part of Congleton Beat Team we are moving over to Knutsford Beat Team. What will this mean for you – absolutely nothing will change apart from the supervisors will be Sgt Bill Brickhill and Inspector Andrew Baker. Message Sent By 2. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTCommissioner Launches Police and Crime PlanPolice and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, has launched his Police and Crime Plan for 2021-24, setting out his priorities for policing, crime and community safety in the county for his term in office. In addition to outlining the Commissioner’s wider vision, the Plan sets out the strategic direction for Cheshire Constabulary and how the Commissioner will hold the Chief Constable to account in delivering on the public’s priorities. The six key priorities for policing and crime in Cheshire outlined in the Plan are: “This Plan has been developed via consultation with the public, as well as in conjunction with organisations and agencies that work regularly with the police, so that it truly reflects people’s priorities for their communities.” The Plan also maintains the Commissioner’s commitment to increasing Cheshire’s police officer numbers to the highest level in modern times – 2,345 officers – in order to ensure police visibility across the county and reassure communities as a result. John Dwyer added: “Being ambitious with our officer numbers helps towards delivering on each of the public’s priorities set out in the Plan and will improve people’s confidence in our police service. “I also want to stress that this is a living document. In the Plan I commit to refreshing it each year, so that it continues to address people’s priorities and tackle the challenges we face head on. To read the Police and Crime Plan 2021-24, go to www.cheshire-pcc.gov.uk/what-i-do/making-cheshire-safer/police-and-crime-plan To request a hard copy of the Plan, please email pcc@cheshire.police.uk Message Sent By: 2. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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ACTION FRAUDCyber Crime Survey 2021Fraud and cyber crime are the most common criminal offences in the UK. Analysis of Action Fraud reports showed that 86% of frauds had a cyber element to them. As the threat from cyber crime continues to grow and evolve, it’s important to remember one thing – most of it can be prevented. By following just a few practical steps, you can make it harder for cyber criminals to get into your devices and online accounts. In order to better understand what steps you are already taking to stay secure online, we would be grateful if you would please complete the short survey we have created. Your answers will help us to determine what areas of online security we need to focus on over the coming months. Please note: Survey link – https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/cybercrimesurvey2021/ Thank you for helping us improve our response to fraud and cyber crime in the UK. Kind regards, Action Fraud Team Message Sent By: 2. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on ACTION FRAUD |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCHYou Are Invited To Attend Our Free Webinar As Part of Our Serious Crime Event In NovemberWe are delighted to be able to invite you to our FREE online webinar regarding Preventing and disrupting county lines exploitation. This will be held on Tuesday 9th November from 5pm-6pm. The webinar will focus on providing an in depth view on County Lines exploitation, based on the key principals; exploitation, prevention, protection, and reporting What is County Lines? We are delighted to welcome expert guest speakers from The Children’s Society, County Lines leads and organised crime county lines coordinators to be part of our panel of presenters. Event Details Best wishes 2. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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CHESHIRE POLICE ALERTAge UK Cheshire East Scams Awareness Update Bulletin – October 2021This Months bulletins covers impersonation scams. https://www.ageuk.org.uk/bp-assets/globalassets/cheshire-east/scams-bulletin-october-21.pdf Message Sent By: 2. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE POLICE ALERT |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCHNEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH LAUNCHES ‘SAY NO TO ASB’ CAMPAIGNAntisocial behaviour (ASB) incidents have increased over the last three years. Police forces, councils and housing associations are reporting significant spikes in ASB cases – and these are not minor incidents. They are complex and serious cases causing real harm to many people. To help tackle the issue, we are running a campaign encouraging people to SAY NO TO ASB. We are running a free online ‘SAY NO TO ASB’ webinar on 15th November at 5pm with the charity ASB Help as part of the campaign. Places are limited. To book your place, visit ourwatch.org.uk/webinars. HOW TO SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN * Data source: Taking Back our Communities – working together to make communities safer report, commissioned in 2021 by RESOLVE, a Centre of Excellence solely focused upon community safety and antisocial behaviour Kind regards NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team Message Sent By 2. November, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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CHRISTMAS FAYRE21. October, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHRISTMAS FAYRE |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH 2021 CRIME AND COMMUNITY SURVEY LAUNCHEDFor the second year running, we want to hear your thoughts about crime, community, and how effective Neighbourhood Watch is. www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CL72YGJ The survey, launched on Wednesday 20th October 2021, is open to the public across England and Wales, regardless of whether they live in a Neighbourhood Watch area or not. The results will enable us to better understand on a national and regional level crime, fear of crime and benchmark whether membership to a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, or living in a Neighbourhood Watch area, has an impact on levels of crime, concern about crime, neighbourliness, and the willingness of communities to work together. Last year our survey received just over 30,000 responses from across England and Wales providing us with a rich and useful set of data. This year we will be able to compare our data to last year’s results. Please share this survey via email and social across all the various communities to which you belong whether they be a Neighbourhood Watch community or others such as sport, religious or work communities. This will help us receive a good balance of responses from Neighbourhood Watch members and non-members which will enable us to compare experiences between these two groups. To help you reach others we have attached a poster that you can print and display locally or share digitally. Alternatively, re-share our social posts (Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIn) to your channels. A good response in all regions will ensure we can publish a national report and provide individual regions with their own reports. All data will be anonymised and aggregated and will be used by Neighbourhood Watch to ensure our work is effective, inclusive, and representative. www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CL72YGJ The survey closes on the 16th of November. Thank you for your support. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team Message Sent By: 21. October, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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THE SEARCH TO FIND THE UK’S BEST NEIGHBOURS CONTINUES!With just under two weeks left to nominate, people across the UK are invited to participate in our annual hunt for the UK’s NEIGHBOUR OF THE YEAR AWARD – a nationwide search undertaken in partnership with our friends at Co-op Insurance. Now in its fourth year running, we have introduced a new category: COMMUNITY OF THE YEAR. This Award will celebrate the nation’s most outstanding community and the lengths they’ve gone to support others and make a difference. The ‘community’ can either be in person or virtual, such as over Teams, Facebook or WhatsApp. To nominate your NEIGHBOUR OF THE YEAR, YOUNG NEIGHBOUR OF THE YEAR (for people aged 21 years and under) or COMMUNITY OF THE YEAR, and to find out more about these incredibly special awards, visit coop.co.uk/noty. John Hayward-Cripps, CEO at Neighbourhood Watch Network, said: ‘If you have always thought you have good neighbours, why not nominate them? They could be crowned Neighbour of the Year 2021 or Young Neighbour of the Year 2021 if they are 21 or younger. Or nominate a whole community to recognise a group of people who collectively have gone above and beyond to make others smile.’ Nominations close on the 26th of October Kind regards, NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team Message Sent By: 14. October, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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CHESHIRE EAST COUNCILHave your say in consultation on community governanceCheshire East is urging people to have their say – and take part in a consultation on proposals for the governance arrangements for town and parish councils in the borough. The 12-week consultation began on 6 September as part of a borough-wide review, as Cheshire East is responsible for the governance and electoral arrangements for the borough’s 186 town and parish council wards in 135 town and parish councils. The review, which follows central government and Local Government Boundary Commission for England guidance, is to ensure that community governance arrangements ‘continue to reflect local identities and facilitate effective and convenient local government’. As communities change over time, government guidance advises a review of town and parish governance every 10-15 years, to ensure the arrangements are fit for purpose. The last one was done before Cheshire East Council was created in 2009. The review looks at a range of issues, including town and parish boundaries, numbers of town and parish councillors, grouping of parishes and warding. The Community Governance Review draft recommendations report makes a series of draft proposals for consultation, beginning with parishes where no changes are being proposed, to other relatively minor proposals, and, finally, to more significant area or boundary changes – largely adjoining the borough’s urban parishes – which have a knock-on effect for surrounding parishes. Maps showing the details can be found via this link. This consultation stage provides people and stakeholder bodies with an opportunity to make the case for alternative proposals or to endorse the draft proposals as they are. Councillor Sam Corcoran, chair of Cheshire East’s corporate policy committee, and leader of the council, said: “Reviewing the community governance arrangements for all our town and parish councils is normal good practice and I would encourage people to take part in the online consultation and share their views on the proposals. “The current governance arrangements date from before Cheshire East Council was formed and there has since been considerable change to our settlements, the population, and its distribution. This review and consultation on proposals offer an opportunity to ensure that town and parish arrangements meet local needs and are fit for purpose for the years ahead.” A multi-disciplinary team of officers has been working on the review since 2019 and members of all the council’s political groups will be involved in making decisions on future governance arrangements of the town and parish councils. Cheshire East undertook an initial pre-consultation survey between October 2019 and February 2020 on the scope of the review and topics and proposals that should be included. In June, a meeting of full council approved the decision to take proposals to consultation. There will not be any change for change’s sake, and nothing is yet decided. Any changes to be made would follow reflection on the responses to this latest public consultation – including with town and parish councils and other stakeholders – and a decision by full council. The public consultation, which ends at midnight on 28 November 2021, can be accessed via: https://surveys.cheshireeast.gov.uk/s/CGReview2/ Paper copies of the consultation can also be obtained from local libraries. People are urged to send in their completed paper forms as soon as possible. The aim is to complete the review process well before the scheduled local elections in May 2023. This review of community governance does not include the electoral arrangements for borough council or parliamentary seats. These would be the responsibility of Whitehall (the Local Government Boundary Commission and the Boundary Commission for England, respectively) and are not currently proposed.
Notes to editors: Senior Media Relations Officer: Tim Oliver 14. October, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on CHESHIRE EAST COUNCIL |
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OUR NEWSThe newsletter for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and WalesThe October edition of OUR NEWS is out and can be read here. In this edition we are thrilled to announce that Hannah Ingram-Moore, daughter of Captain Sir Tom Moore and Co-founder of The Captain Tom Foundation, is working with Neighbourhood Watch and Co-op Insurance to find the nation’s most remarkable neighbours in the 2021 Neighbour of the Year Awards. This edition also features articles on hate crime, ASB, fraud trends, our new safety initiative for students termed Student Watch, and more. Read the October OUR NEWS here. Best wishes NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team Message Sent By 4. October, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCHTHE SEARCH IS ON FOR THE UK’S BEST NEIGHBOUR! People across the UK are being invited to take part in our annual hunt for the UK’s ‘Neighbour of the Year’ – a nationwide search undertaken in partnership by Co-op Insurance and Neighbourhood Watch. Now in its fourth year, 2021 sees the introduction of a new category: Community of the Year. This award will celebrate the nation’s most outstanding community (could be a street, a sports club, a faith collective, or anything in between, either in person or virtual, such as a WhatsApp, Facebook, or Slack group) and the lengths its members have gone to to support others and make a real difference. To nominate your Neighbour of the Year, Young Neighbour of the Year (for people aged 21 years and under) or Community of the Year, and to find out more about these very special awards please visit coop.co.uk/noty. If you have any questions get in touch with us via enquiries@ourwatch.org.uk. We can’t wait to see the nominations! Best wishes NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team 17. September, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH |
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Nether Alderley Parish HallFriday 17th September
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We are delighted to bring you the September OUR NEWS edition – a monthly newsletter for all Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales. This edition introduces you to our Neighbour of the Year Awards 2021 – open for nominations from 14th September, the no-excuse approach to gas safety, fraud trends, rural crime reporting, discount offers from ERA and Patlock for our readers, and much more. We hope that you will enjoy reading our newsletter and share it with your community. Why not share this newsletter link https://bit.ly/OurNewsSept21 with your street WhatsApp groups, community Facebook groups or neighbourhood email groups to keep your neighbours safer and more connected. Best wishes NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK, Central Support Team 6. September, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NATIONAL NEWSLETTER |
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27. August, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH IMPACT REPORT 2020/21 |
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AFTERNOON TEAS AT THE PARISH HALLEvery Sunday throughout August we are pleased to say that our popular Afternoon Teas are back! Please join us for a delicious selection of homemade sandwiches, scones and cakes including an endless pot of tea or coffee between 2.00 – 4.00 p.m. in our lovely historic Parish Hall on Church Lane, Nether Alderley. The National Trust Mill on Congleton Road will be open each Sunday for you to round your afternoon off with a little local history! There is no need to book and we look forward to seeing you, your families and friends throughout the month. Full afternoon tea £7.50 per person Tea/coffee and cake option available £4.00 per person 11. August, 2021Latest NewsComments Off on AFTERNOON TEAS AT THE PARISH HALL |
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