The Grade 11* listed Hall is situated at the end of Church Lane (off Congleton Road), adjacent to St. Mary’s Church, Alderley.
The Hall has a well presented kitchen, a large main room and toilet facilities.
Bookings can be made by contacting David Fairbotham by telephone: 07951 888896 or by e-mail: bookings.naparishhall@gmail.com. Any enquiries connected with the use or booking of the Hall should be directed to David.
If you are interested in hiring the Hall for an event, please contact David and he can confirm availability of the Hall, costs for hire and will take the booking.
Once David has confirmed an event, a booking form should be completed and sent to him. The booking form can be found here.
The terms and conditions of hall hire can be found on the booking form.
Please do contact David in the first instance to arrange an event, before completing the booking form.
Further information about the history and management of the Hall can be found under the heading ‘About’ on the Parish website homepage.
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