The Parish Hall is due for renovation and during that it is likely that the venue will change to a location in Alderley Park during that period. We will keep you posted on this Website and in our News letters.
A list of forthcoming meetings can be viewed here and are also displayed on the Parish Council’s notice boards which are situated outside the Parish Hall and on the corner of Orchard Crescent/Welsh Row.
Posters advertising full Parish Council meetings are displayed on notice boards prior to the meetings and agendas are posted on the parish website. This also applies to meetings of the Burial Board and Planning Committee (that appraises planning applications between full meetings) which are arranged as required.
There is also an opportunity, at the beginning of meetings, for Nether Alderley residents to make representation regarding local matters, to members of the Parish Council. Please contact the Clerk if you would like to use this facility and the Clerk can explain timings and make arrangements.
Meetings can only be held where there is a quorum of 3 Councillors present. For this reason, it is advisable to contact the Clerk prior to a meeting if you are hoping to attend, to ensure that the meeting is going ahead.
The Parish Council holds an Annual Parish Meeting where the Chairman presents their Report detailing the year’s events and where there is opportunity for discussion with residents. At the AGM/Annual Meeting, the positions of Chair, Vice Chair and Committee membership is decided. Both meetings are usually held in May.
More details of Councillors and Committees can be found under the heading ‘Parish Council’.
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