Updates from the Parish Plan Group will be posted regularly, to keep you in touch with the progress of the Parish Plan
The Nether Alderley Maintenance and Pride working group sourced the daffodils, liaised with Cheshire East and the parish council and supervised the planting of about 9600 daffodils by machine and also planted by hand 400 daffodils in other parts of the parish such as Monks Heath and Soss Moss. The parish council paid for the bulbs and Cheshire East provided a contractor and his specialist machine to plant the 9600 daffodils free of charge. Members of the working party are delighted with the resulting display and would like to thank the parish council for their assistance and financial support.
The results of a recent survey, sent out to local residents by the Nether Alderley Looking Forward Parish Plan Steering Group, in relation to the Alderley Park Draft Development Framework can be found here
A presentation report can be found here
This Newsletter is the final communication from the group who came together to create the Parish Plan. The full plan can be found on the Nether Alderley Parish Council (NAPC) Web Site; www.netheralderleyparish.com
It has been endorsed by the Parish Council and submitted to Cheshire East and will eventually appear on the Cheshire Action Organisation site with all other local plans at www.cheshireaction.org.uk
Three active groups have been formed to implement the plan. They are already making a difference. All are happy to welcome new volunteers so please email the relevant leader to let them know of your interest. They are:
1. ‘Nether Alderley Maintenance and Pride’. Leader Simon Carden – simon@cardencroft.com
This group has arranged litter picking and footpath clearing throughout the Parish, cleaned the ‘Nether Alderley’ road signs and obtained a grant of £500 from NAPC to plant 10,000 daffodils around the parish with most at the Cross and in front of the school.
They have been identifying and reporting pot holes to Cheshire East and many have now been filled.
The group are in dialogue with English Heritage to see if they will allow the cross to be repaired.
Join them to help maintain our environment.
2. ‘Traffic calming’. Leader Martyn Bale- martyn@artavia.org.uk
Working with NAPC and our County Councillor, George Walton, traffic on the Knutsford to Macclesfield Road has now been restricted to 50mph. A 50mph speed limit will also be implemented from the South end of the By-Pass through the Monks Heath junction. It has not been possible to rephase the lights to get pedestrian crossing time at Monks Heath but there is now a no right turn for South bound traffic. Improved signage on Bollington Lane is pending funding.
We now have flashing lights at the school to warn motorists when pupils are likely to be entering or leaving. A survey of parents at the school has not justified the installation of a crossing on the Congleton Road in front of the school but has highlighted the concerns related to exiting Bradford Lane and the speed of traffic on the Congleton Road outside the school. A speed survey will be undertaken in January* to produce data which, if it supports the parent survey, will be used to build the case for further traffic safety measures at the school.
Join them if you have traffic safety concerns.
*The survey conducted in October produced no results.
3. Planning & Infrastructure. Leader Peter Knowles now John Patterson – mail@jjpatterson.co.uk
Most of the small tasks from the Parish Survey have been completed. For example, High Speed internet is in place for most of the Parish and a Community notice board will be erected by NAPC.
Maintaining the rural, peaceful nature of the Parish and defending the green belt was the biggest item in the feedback to the plan committee. Cheshire East is in the process of finalising its long term plan and the group have been active in making our views known both through NAPC and Nether Alderley Rural Protection Association (NARPA) – an independent action group within the Parish.
The sale of Alderley Park to Manchester Science Parks (MSP) in a consortium with Cheshire East and Manchester University has opened a large area (450 Acres) of the Parish to potential change. As yet, no concrete plans have emerged but there will almost certainly be proposals for some housing on the site.
The group has made a proposal to MSP, Cheshire East, NAPC and the National Trust to create a historic village centre around the Mill and the Church, while opening up the parkland area of Alderley Park to the public and connecting it to the National Trust land on the Edge. Pursuing this will form the focus of the group going forward.
Join them to help create a historic centre for Nether Alderley.
We have had meetings with Club AZ which runs the Gym and sports centre at Alderley Park. Enclosed with the paper newsletter and on the web site and notice boards you will find an invitation to all local residents to visit the club on their open days (6th & 31st January) and to join – something that was only available to staff until now.
The email list that just over 100 residents agreed to join will now be held by the Parish Council. We have used it sparingly for important information and have been delighted with the responses to it. Anyone wishing to be added to the list (or leave it) should email netheralderley@btinternet.com
We thank all of you for your enthusiasm and input.
Best Wishes for the Festive Season and the New Year.
Stop Press; The 64 Page Alderley Park Development Framework has just been published by Cheshire East. The new owners, MSP, have tentatively proposed a date (22nd January at 1845 for 1900 on the site) to present their plans to interested local residents. The final details will be published on the Parish Council Web Site and emailed to those of you who have allowed us to make contact electronically.
Addition from the Parish Council: Subsequent to the Parish Plan Group’s letter, the Parish Council has learnt that a meeting will not be going ahead on 22nd January at Alderley Park
The results of the Parish survey, carried out for the purposes of the Nether Alderley Parish Plan, can be found below:
Survey results from Adults’ questionnaires
Survey results from Young Peoples’ questionnaires
Eleven local volunteers collected 17 bin bags of litter during the morning of Sunday 16th February. They picked up litter along the verges of roads and lanes throughout the parish. Road signs even got a wash.
The group was formed during the recent parish plan meeting for volunteers and consists of residents keen to make Nether Alderley an even more attractive place in which to live or to visit.
A very successful parish meeting, organised by the volunteers who have formed the Parish Plan Steering Committee, was held on 27th November with over 80 attendees.
A summary report on the parish survey results and an outline draft plan prepared by the Nether Alderley Looking Forward (NALF) Steering Committee was presented to a public meeting held within AstraZeneca’s Conference Centre. Residents were invited to give feedback and comment at the meeting and to vote on the relative priorities of 23 plan proposals arising from the survey and to volunteer to join a number of working parties that will be set up to develop the plans and help with their implementation.
The voting form can be downloaded here
Return details are given on the form.
Connecting Cheshire, a partnership set-up between Cheshire East Council (CEC) and BT to drive the roll-out of fast fibre-optic broadband across the county, reported on their progress and current plans. It was confirmed that most parts of Nether Alderley are to be included within Phase1 of the programme for implementation by spring 2014.
AstraZeneca also described their plans for the Alderley Park site and details will be found on pages 302-3 of the Pre-submission Core Strategy document published on Cheshire East’s website.
Please click on the following links to view presentations made at the meeting:
Presentation by Mr. Arditti, Cheshire East Council, Connecting Cheshire (Superfast Broadband)
A BT video link, for further information about the Superfast Broadband project. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSEuOB-gfDA
Results of the Nether Alderley resident’s priority vote at 11th December 2013
Nether Alderley Looking Forward Parish Plan Steering Group
Nether Alderley Parish Council met with members of the Nether Alderley Looking Forward Parish Plan Steering Group early last week.
The Steering Group has worked hard to produce, distribute and collect questionnaires from all households in the Parish.
Survey questions related to the local area and life in the parish of Nether Alderley, with the aim of creating a picture of the aspects of the Parish that people value most, together with identification of aspects that could be developed, preserved and improved upon.
The survey results have now been carefully analysed by the Steering Group and the Parish Council was pleased to be offered the opportunity to hear about the results from Group members.
The Steering Group plans to arrange an opportunity for all members of the local community to hear more about the thoughts and opinions gathered through the survey and to discuss how to use the results to move forward for the benefit of the local area and the people who live in Nether Alderley.
It is hoped that a gathering for all local residents will be held in near future, so please keep an eye out for invitations and advertisements giving details of the event – and please do come along to hear more and be a part of the future of the Parish.
Once the outcome of the survey has been presented to, and discussed with the community, a final Parish Plan will be produced that will describe the local communities vision for Nether Alderley and will identify those aspects that the community sees as priorities for preservation, initiatives for development and areas for improvement.
The steering committee that took on the challenge of developing a plan for the parish of Nether Alderley has made good progress since we started out last summer. Two questionnaires were created, one for adults and one to capture the interests of younger members of the community. In the first few months of this year questionnaires were distributed to all residences in the parish. We are pleased to report that we received 243 adult responses and 36 responses to the youth questionnaire. The data from the questionnaires has now been inputted to a computer programme and the analysis of the data is currently ongoing and at our next meeting we plan to examine this information and start to develop an action plan based on your feedback.
The next stage is to present our preliminary findings to the Parish Council and after that we will schedule a meeting so that all residents of the parish can see the conclusions and proposals contained in the plan.
We are very grateful to everyone who took the time to complete and return their questionnaires to us and we look forward to inviting you to a public meeting later on in the year.
During the next weeks a group of volunteers will be delivering questionnaires to the homes of all the residents of Nether Alderley. This questionnaire is designed to get the views of residents about issues such as social and environment issues, housing and development, community security, traffic and transport etc. On the basis of the feedback obtained from this questionnaire a document called a Parish Plan will be developed and this will be used as a starting point for a series of practical projects designed to protect and enhance the parish of Nether Alderley.
Residents are encouraged to complete the questionnaire and return it to the local volunteer in the envelopes provided. It is a unique opportunity to give their views on what Nether Alderley will look like in the future.
The overall project, called Nether Alderley Looking Forward, has the support of the Nether Alderley Parish Council as well as Cheshire East Council and Cheshire Community Action. Updates on progress with the project will be posted from time to time on the Nether Alderley Parish website.(www.netheralderleyparish.com)
In July 2007 Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) published its report on the integration of Parish Plans into the wider systems of local government. In the Cheshire area, over fifty Parish Plans have now been completed, including our neighbours Alderley Edge and Chelford. Tangible benefits have already been derived from undertaking a Parish Plan process. These include:
• construction of a new playground
• creation of new village websites
• setting up a youth café in a local pub
• reinstatement of village events
• planning and implementation of a community shop
• reduction in village speed limits
• funding for street furniture, signage, seating etc
The completed plans are available on www.cheshireaction.org.uk.
In the autumn of 2011, Nether Alderley Parish Council held two open forum meetings with residents to discuss the concept of creating a parish plan that would lay out a series of proposals for the future of the community. This was followed up in May 2012 with a meeting inviting residents who had declared interest in the development of a plan and potential involvement in a steering group.
The first meeting of the Steering Committee took place on 29th May 2012 and it was attended by 11 residents and 3 parish councillors. It was agreed that David Brickwood would chair the steering group and that John Kendrick would act as treasurer and Peter Knowles, Anne Bale, Emily Rothwell, Ann Pearce, Jill Patterson, John Patterson, Chris Widger, Mark Tabachnik, Charles Dyas and Ronelda Dyas would be members of the steering committee and that Amanda Worthington and Jenny Shufflebottom would act a parish councillor member/advisors to the steering committee.
At this first meeting the title
“Nether Alderley Looking Forward – Consulting towards a community plan”
was created for the project.
The steering committee met again recently when a draft questionnaire being was drawn up to gather the views of as many residents as possible. Parish plans generally cover broad areas and issues such as traffic and transport, housing and development, community security, housing and development, social and community and environmental issues as well as others that may arise.
The aims and objectives of the steering committee are encapsulated in the following statement:-
“The aim of the group is to prepare a plan, through consultation with the people of Nether Alderley, which will propose a number of practical steps to protect and enhance our Parish”
The overall project has the support of the Nether Alderley Parish Council as well as Cheshire East Council and Cheshire Community Action. Updates on progress with the project will be posted from time to time on this website.
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