Nether Alderley Primary School is a small primary school, with just over 100 pupils distributed across 4 classes.
The school was first built in 1822 by the Stanley family and has since been extended on a number of occasions to accommodate more children, including those who transferred following the closure of Over Alderley Primary School in 1982.
The school takes great pride in its pupils and encourages a love of learning across all aspects of the curriculum. Pupils benefit from the close relationships Nether Alderley fosters with its partner schools such as Wilmslow High School and Falibroome Academy, to take advantage of a number of different opportunities provided through the performing arts and sports.
Responses to regular questionnaires show that pupils enjoy their learning and are happy to come to school. An active school council helps to maintain this, by providing a platform for pupils to raise concerns and offer their ideas for future school improvements.
A popular part of the school timetable is ‘clubs’, where volunteer parents and friends join children for an afternoon of small group activities including baking, gardening, sewing, languages and art. Children of all ages work together in their club which strengths the community feel of the school and helps develop leadership skills amongst older pupils.
Parents also take a lead role in helping to provide additional opportunities for pupils by raising a considerable amount of money for school projects through the PTA (Parent Teacher Association). Recent successful projects include providing a number of iPads for pupils to use in class and the installation of new playground equipment. Money is raised through a number of initiatives such as quiz nights, school discos, summer circus events and the annual Christmas Fair. The PTA also raises funds through the Easy Fundraising website, whereby a small donation is made to the PTA for online transactions involving many online retailers. For more information on how your online purchases can help support the Nether Alderley PTA, please visit: easyfundraising.org.uk
With many thanks to Nether Alderley Primary School for contributing this article
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